Protection Screens Against Corona virus.

Protection Screens – Against Coronavirus.

11 April 2020

Buying Guides, Part On Introductions, Product Reviews

2020 has been greeted by a global pandemic (Coronavirus) which has affected all our daily lives and activities. The UK government – along with many other regions of the world – have offered advice of; social distancing of 2 metres, workings from home where possible, self-isolation, washing our hands, avoid touching our face and many other advises.




Although this is not so easy from some individuals,

Do you work in a supermarket?

Do you work in a post office?

Do you work in the NHS?

Do you work as a Delivery driver?




Some people like the examples above must carry on with daily routines even with the threat of COVID-19 . Firstly, we would like to thank these individuals for keeping us safe, allowing us to still deliver, offering us food supplies etc.


Part-On are always looking for new ideas to help!

With the above advice provided, Part-On have designed an initiative idea to help essential people stay safe at work!




Protection Screens

This screen can be built & customised to your requirements.

Our free-standing screen guard is an ideal solution to maintain social distancing tactics and encourage minimal contact between employees to customer. This screen panel provides you the option to carry out your normal day to day tasks with added protection.

With the recent changes effecting many workplaces due to the coronavirus, we believe our screen panels can also assist people in being able to work safely, With piece of mind knowing they have less chance of catching Coronavirus.

Our screen includes a serving cut out which can ensure people can always remain protected even when passing objects. A common situation for warehouse workers.

These screens are portable and can be continuously used for workplace issues after the pandemic for example: Machine debris is a common issue faced by many factories and workshops; we believe our screen guards can help prevent workplace injuries caused by spitting debris.

All Part-On Fabrication builds are up cyclable to encourage environmentally friendly aspects and allow our customers future opportunities!


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