Self Isolating? Here are some tips for working from home!

Tips For Working From Home

3 April 2020

Part On Introductions

Self Isolating? Here are some tips for working from home!


All none essential business’ globally are being advised to work remotely where possible due to the spread of COVID-19, employees are now tasked with trying to be just as productive without their normal resources and routines. While working from home sounds like a luxury…in theory, it’s certainly no holiday because being productive is easier said than done.


Every job is different and the amount you’re able to achieve will vary between career types, employers, and internal policies, but there are some key strategies to working from home when it comes to getting your tasks done efficiently (not to mention, staying sane and healthy while doing so!)


Here some tips to help you adjust to this change:


1. Stick with your routine.


It’s easy to lose track of routines when you’re not commuting to work although the best way to approach working from home is to, wake up at your normal time, shower, and get dressed… not in pyjamas!


It may be an obvious tip, but this will help you mentally prepare for the day ahead and get into the “I’m ready to work” mindset.


2. Create your workspace…


Those who successfully work from home agree that you’re best off setting up a station. Although it’s tempting to stay in bed or head to your sofa, create your space! Besides making you feel like you’re at an “office,” this helps you avoid distractions, maintain good posture, and leave your work behind at the end of the day.


3. BODY and SOUL a balanced role.


Working from home means you skip your commute and have fewer reasons to get up from your chair throughout the day. But sitting all day is not healthy!


Make sure to stand up regularly to stretch or move around. Working from home is a good opportunity to exercise, either by working out at home or going for a walk outside. A lunchtime walk can also help you feel like you’re not stuck inside all day.


4. Refresh your mind in the fresh air.


With government and health experts advising for gym closures and people to avoid going outside around each other, you’re bound to feel trapped in the walls of your home, Why not open your windows to let in as much natural daylight and fresh air as possible? Or take a short walk if you live in an unpopulated area — remember being sure to wash your hands as you return home.


5. Remain connected with your colleagues.


If you work within a team, make sure to check in regularly just like you normally would. Create to-do lists to keep yourself organized and focused. Besides email, it’s a good idea to set up regular check-ins via phone or video conferencing like Skype, FaceTime or WhatsApp.


6. Try not to multitask.


During lockdown may be a convenient time to catch up on your house chores, but it’s easier than you’d expect to get distracted.


The same goes for other inhouse distractions. For example: If you usually meal prep  ahead of time for work then do the same at home so you don’t get preoccupied in the kitchen.


7. Working from home and being a full-time parent

We all know it’s difficult to get any work done with children around, especially younger children! but it’s not impossible!

Here are some tips from individuals who are tackling the work-from-home challenge:


·        Ask for help. If you have another mature individual in the home, ask for some assistance in keeping the children entertained while you               work! Communication is key.


·        Make a change in your hours. If your workload is flexible then try to squeeze in work when your child is asleep, e.g. early mornings or at           night. It’s not ideal, but you’ll be more productive without distractions.


·        Communicate. Be open and honest about what is happening in terms of the coronavirus pandemic (especially older children who can                 better understand the impact on your daily/work life)


·        Try new things! Time consuming projects/activities such as arts and craft will keep them entertained longer or even an interactive activity           like a hunt or hide and seek! Have you seen the new rainbow window movement? LEARN MORE

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