Don’t Waste Your Energy – Blog

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It is quite apparent that in the UK, the cost of living is becoming a problem, with inflation soaring high and energy bills on the rise. As we are heading into the winter months, there is more of a need to save as much energy as we can to keep costs low. On the 1st of October, the UK Government will introduce the Energy Price Guarantee, with the average household paying £2,500 on gas and electricity for the next 2 years. Although this price cap has been reduced from the original price point of over £3,000, it is still 27% higher than the summer 2022 cap and 96% higher than the winter price cap in 2021. Plus, it is not an actual ‘cap’, if you use more energy, then you are going to pay more, and depending on where you live, the cost per kWh will differ.

We know that paying this kind of money is not feasible for everyone and it has become a staggering amount that worries us all. To help you save on your energy bills this winter, we have provided you with some tips on how to reduce the amount of energy you use.


5 Tips on How You Can Save Money This Winter

1. Switch off your ‘standby’ devices

One of the simplest ways to save on your electric bills is by switching off unused devices at the plug. This can include anything from kitchen appliances, entertainment consoles, charging stations, and even lamps and lights. According to the Energy Saving Trust (EST), approximately between 9% and 16% of the electricity that is used in UK households is from devices and appliances that are ‘off’ or in ‘standby’ mode. That’s electricity that you are not even using!

2. Turn down your heating

Although it is becoming a lot colder and the mornings and nights are crisp, there are other ways to keep warm, other than turning your thermostat up. Until it gets unbearably cold in your home, consider wrapping up in warmer clothes. Even investing in a cosy, warm blanket can help you to withstand the winter weather. If you can’t resist turning your heating on, then remember that turning it down by one degree can save you almost £80 a year.

3. Shorter showers save power

Water is a necessity that we don’t think too much about, we run baths and showers, and use the dishwasher without really any thought, but how much will that all cost you? Perhaps, instead of using your dishwasher which uses up a lot of water and electricity, try cleaning your dishes in a washing-up bowl. When you next have a shower, think about the time you have been in there for and if it is necessary. The EST states that reducing shower time to only 4 minutes can save a household around £95 a year.

4. Swap your light bulbs to energy saving ones

Despite energy-saving bulbs having a slightly higher up-front cost over ordinary ones, they will save you a lot of money on your electricity bills in the long run. Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) use around 70-80% less electricity compared to traditional lamps, and LEDs use 90% less. It is a no-brainer!

5. Reduce washing machine temperatures

Washing clothes is more than a weekly routine in some households, especially if you have a larger family. Washing machines can be one of the biggest culprits of energy usage, and even more so when it used frequently, or in some cases daily. To reduce costs, always use your washing machine on a full load, to avoid excessive cycles that will make your energy bills rise. To efficiently save energy, put your washing machine on temperatures lower than 30°C, to save you up to 60% of energy in every wash.


Here at BS Fixings, we will be using these tips in our own homes, to keep energy costs to a minimum in the upcoming winter months.

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