Two Heart Attacks Within a Week | Bryce Fastener | Blog

Two Heart Attacks Within a Week

Apr 17, 2019

I’ll be back in my old Sales seat at Bryce Fastener for the forseable future trying to fill Brian Hill and Doug Brammer’s shoes. Both experienced heart attacks within a week of eachother. Brian Hill underwent a quadruple bypass surgery on 4/12/19 and is recovering well in the hospital. While Doug Brammer had a mild heart attack over the weekend, he’s been released from the hospital and is recovering well at home. Both were sudden, scary, and we’re very thankful these great guys are doing better. I have back-up help (Dean Nelson and Jordan Mack), but if our response is slower than normal, it’s because we’re trying to fill some big shoes. 

Thanks for your patience.

Bryce Campell 


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