How to improve productivity at work

How to increase productivity at work How to increase productivity at work is possibly one of the most debated issues by company managers.

There is nothing more important in an organization than its human capital. If your employees feel motivated, they will work more and better. Therefore, if the objective is to increase productivity, you should focus on your employees well-being.


5 tips to improve organization and productivity at work

Despite technological advances, the human factor remains the major driver of the organization’s success. Ensuring the well-being of your teams is a big step in ensuring the sustainability of your business.

It may sound like a hard task, but it is simpler than you think. With just a few small changes, you will be able to drastically change the levels of organization, productivity and efficiency in your company.

Here are 5 tips on how to create a productive work environment and ensure the well-being of your teams:


1. Delegate tasks

Delegating tasks is not always easy. There is always an associated risk: the risk of the employee making a mistake and, at the end of the day, you having to redo the job. However, by not delegating tasks to your team, you run a greater risk: the risk of getting lost in small tasks and losing focus on what really matters, which is the development and sustainability of your business.

Assuming new responsibilities and being recognized for it are, for some employees, as important or even more important than the salary. Involving employees in certain decisions will help them develop new skills, and increase their sense of responsibility and belonging towards the organization.

By delegating tasks and sharing certain decisions with your team, you are sending a positive message of trust, which will translate into an increase in the well-being of your employees.



2. Keep meetings to a minimum

It is common for meetings to take longer than expected. However, this does not mean that they were productive or that they achieved their goal.

When holding meetings, keep the following points in mind:

  1. Before scheduling a meeting, assess whether it is really necessary. Can you solve the matter with a simple email? If so, the meeting might not be necessary;
  2. Limit the number of addressed topics. Make an objective list of items to discuss and share it in a timely manner so that the participants can be prepared.
  3. Limit the number of people allowed in the meeting. The more people, the greater the possibility of distractions and loss of focus.
  4. Set a time limit for the meeting and stick to it. This way, the meeting becomes more objective.


3. Provide the right tools

Providing a suitable work environment, considering the performed work, is very important for employees to work efficiently.

Modern, high-quality software, equipment and tools can make a big difference – not only in the quality of your work, but also in the way your company is perceived by your customers and competitors.




4. Set realistic goals

How do you know if you’re about to reach a certain level if you don’t know which steps you need to climb to get there?

A common problem that managers face in their day-to-day lives is that they do not have a clear and objective notion of the performance of their employees. Usually, due to the lack of clear objectives.

If your employees need an incentive to stay on track, help them by setting realistic goals with them. Give clear guidelines and make expectations clear.


5. Keep employees motivated

Last but not least, the best thing a company can do to increase organization and productivity at work is to ensure that its employees are happy, motivated and committed.

An employee committed to his work is more likely to be more productive, happier, less absent and to contribute more to a good work environment.

Here are some tips to keep your employees motivated:

  1. Make working-hours more flexible. Whenever possible, make the employees’ working hours flexible, by focusing more on achieving goals instead of hours.
  2. Make employee appreciation a norm in your company. If someone does an excellent job, show that you know it and recognize it.
  3. Promote a continuous feedback process to your team members.
  4. Involve employees in the company’s decision-making processes. Make them feel that they contribute to the results.
  5. Show your employees that their opinions are important. Take into account their contributions, suggestions and ideas.

Show your employees that you appreciate them, respect them and value them. Improve their working conditions and, as a result, your relationship.

If you want your team to produce more and with quality, try some of these productivity tips at work and enjoy the benefits.


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