Important Safety Gear to Wear Power Tools Philippines

5 Important Safety Gear to Wear When Using Power Tools in the Philippines

5 Important Safety Gear to Wear When Using Power Tools in the Philippines

What important pieces of safety gear should you wear when using power tools in the Philippines?

  1. Safety glasses
  2. Hard hats or helmets
  3. Ear protection
  4. Safety gloves
  5. Dust masks


There is a great deal of risk that comes with handling power tools in the Philippines and also in other parts of the world. People who use power tools, whether they be professionals or simple DIYers, are constantly in danger whenever they handle these powerful pieces of equipment. These things can go through any material; your skin and bones are like jelly compared to the things that they were designed to cut, dice, slice, and crush.

You may think that we’re scaring you into using personal protective equipment (PPE) or adhering to safety precautions, we’re simply stating the truth. The moment you put a power tool in your hands, you are instantly at risk of physical harm. Although the damage isn’t always fatal, nothing ruins an activity more than an injury sustained purely through carelessness and neglect.

While we’ve enumerated the necessary safety precautions to take when handling electrical tools and equipment, those might not be enough to save you from unprecedented harm. For you to complete a project unscathed and uninjured, it’s best to wear important pieces of safety gear. We have them listed below, so simply continue reading more to find out!


Safety Glasses

You use your eyes for a great number of things, yet as reliable as they are, they are also extremely vulnerable. A single flying material can scratch the surface of the eye and cause irreparable damage, which is why you should never take any chances with them. You can make sure that nothing damages your eyes by wearing safety glasses as you handle power tools and do your work.

There are different kinds of safety glasses available – some offer partial protection, while others are capable of providing full protection. There are glasses or masks for welding jobs, and glasses used when handling hazardous gases. You don’t need all of these, of course, and should have those that are suitable for the type of work you usually do.


Hard Hats or Helmets

Hard Hats or Helmets

Hard hats and helmets are designed to protect you from impacts that may occur to your head. This is one thing you have to be wary about because a slight blow to your skull can lead to some pretty nasty brain issues. Of course, the chances of that happening are low, but we strongly advise against taking risks especially when it comes to your safety.

You may have been led to believe that the only people who need hard hats are construction workers and other individuals working in areas with high risk of falling objects, but they’re actually recommended for everyone doing projects. The reason for this is that items – no matter where they fall from – can cause some serious damage.


Ear Protection

Ear Protection

You may have already noticed it, but power tools and other electrical tools and equipment are extremely loud. On average, the sound they produce sits somewhere between the 90- to the 105-decibel range. Prolonged exposure to such noise can actually lead to hearing loss, which is why it’s important to wear some kind of ear protector or hearing protection.

This can take the form of many things such as earmuffs, headphones, earplugs, and the like. While any of these should suffice, we highly recommend earmuffs because they are comfortable and can be worn for extended periods. Some of them may even be folded for easy transportation – a great feature if you’re always on the go!


Safety Gloves

Previously, workers had to use bulky leather gloves for protection. These things can get the job done, but they also take months to break in and make some work a little harder to do. As a solution, lightweight gloves were created and recommended for those handling power tools.

Like with the other equipment, safety gloves come in different forms that fit specific projects. Long-arm protective gloves and Kevlar gloves are available but those are usually for intense applications. For a basic DIYer or power tool handler, cotton gloves with rubber grips should be enough because it can make handling a lot easier and prevent slippage, which can be extremely dangerous.


Dust Masks

Dust Masks

Last but certainly not the least are dust masks or filter masks which are used to protect your lungs and throat from dangerous substances. They can also be used to protect you from allergens such as dust and pollen which can trigger allergic reactions and make it difficult to continue your DIY projects.

Non-toxic particles such as wood shavings and sawdust can be avoided with regular masks, but toxic ones such as fumes released by paint thinners can only be avoided with the use of mask respirators. These special masks completely filter the air you breathe in, removing any dangerous chemicals before it reaches your nose or mouth. Again, the type you need depends on the kind of work you do on a regular basis.


Key Takeaway

Many people, even experts and professionals, forego wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), but we highly discourage this type of behavior. There are too many risks involved in handling power tools in the Philippines and it’s better to avoid them completely rather than put yourself in danger.

Injuries, whether they’re fatal or not, only leads to more bills and expenses, which we’re sure you want to avoid, so wear these pieces of safety gear. Most of these are available for cheap and affordable prices that won’t hurt your wallet, so make sure to purchase and wear them the next time you do your projects!

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