Top sought after fastener in history is from the Apollo 11 Command Mod – FMW Fasteners

The top sought after fastener in history was used on the Apollo 11 Command Module, says FMW Fasteners. Over 300 people were asked, if you could choose to have one souvenir fastener from history, which one would you choose? The top three chosen were  the Apollo 11 Command Module (17 per cent); 1903 Harley Davidson…

Building & Construction Customers Optimistic About Economic Growth for – FMW Fasteners

According to the latest business survey from FMW Fasteners, business customers are feeling more optimistic about future business growth in 2015 than in 2014. Over the last six months, 56 per cent of business customers surveyed said that economic conditions had improved for them, but 31 per cent stated that the business environment had remained…

Simpson TITEN HD Heavy Duty Screw Anchors – FMW Fasteners

Simpson TITEN HD® Heavy Duty Screw Anchor Simpson TITEN HD® screw anchors are fastening solutions used in masonry and concrete applications. These fasteners are known to offer incredible holding power, both in uncracked and cracked concrete. The Simpson TITEN HD® is also proven under both static load and seismic applications and can be used permanently…

Fastener Customers Reject 3D Printers For Future Supplies – FMW Fasteners

HOUSTON, July 15, 2015 /PRNewswire/ According to the latest business survey from FMW Fasteners, customers are fairly clear they do not see 3D printers as a viable option to produce their future supplies. Nearly 60 percent of those surveyed said they were unlikely or very unlikely to turn to 3D printing as an alternative to…

Criterios de Selección entre Producción Baja/Moderada vs una Producción Alta | BIG DAISHOWA

Criterios de Selección entre Producción Baja/Moderada vs una Producción Alta | BIG DAISHOWA

Criterios de Selección entre Producción Baja/Moderada vs una Producción Alta Las herramientas y los equipos de maquinaria que producen piezas más rápido son siempre la mejor opción, ¿verdad? Dadas las cantidades de lotes de decenas o cientos de miles de piezas, la respuesta es obviamente sí. Pero ¿qué más se debe tomar en cuenta al…

Product Manager Touts Real-World Value of Tool Presetters in Influential Aerospace & Defense Publication

Product Manager Touts Real-World Value of Tool Presetters in Influential Aerospace & Defense Publication Tool presetters offer an array of benefits; chief among them: Maximized spindle usage Precise and repeatable measurements for consistent performance, even in extreme tolerance applications Reduced operator error Increased setup efficiency thanks to stored tooling data Improved tool life In the Aerospace…

Is Your BIG-PLUS Tooling Underperforming? We Have the Solution.

Is Your BIG-PLUS Tooling Underperforming? We Have the Solution.

Is Your BIG-PLUS Tooling Underperforming? We Have the Solution. Practical Machinist recently featured an article by Jack Burley, VP of sales and engineering at BIG KAISER, with contribution by Phil Marmo, SPS’s lead BIG-PLUS grinder, focusing on the BIG-PLUS spindle system and the main reasons why it may not be performing to the best of…