Buying Second Hand Power Tools Philippines

Important Things to Keep in Mind When Buying Second Hand Power Tools in the Philippines

Important Things to Keep in Mind When Buying Second Hand Power Tools in the Philippines

What are some important things to keep in mind when buying second-hand power tools in the Philippines?

  1. Do thorough research prior
  2. Question the previous owner
  3. Physically inspect the power tool
  4. Purchase from reliable sources


It’s no secret that the prices for brand-new power tools in the Philippines have skyrocketed in the past years. Whether that’s because of the overall state of the economy or simply because major improvements have rendered them costlier to manufacture is up for debate. Either way, the fact is that power tools have become more expensive remains painfully true – for some, at least.

While people who are into DIY are greatly affected by this, it also affects those who are involved in industries such as construction, although not to the same extent. The reason behind this is that DIY projects are often done as a hobby and it often doesn’t make complete sense for DIYers, especially those who are just starting out, to invest in brand-new and pricey power tools. Those who are simply testing the waters prefer something cheaper and often resort to purchasing low-end but easily affordable brands.

Now, we’re not saying that cheap power tools aren’t great; they can be. However, most power tools from low-end brands are ineffective, fragile or both. If we were to suggest a different solution for people looking to buy power tools for low prices, then we’d say to buy them used or secondhand. It’s a great way to start or add to your power tool collection without breaking the bank. If you keep these things in mind as you’re looking for and buying them, you’re sure to find great deals!


Do Thorough Research Prior

Before you even begin looking for second-hand power tools, you should already have an idea of what you want – i.e. the type, brand, and model. If you don’t have this in mind yet, then it’s best to take a step back and do some thorough research.

Start by identifying the type of power tool you want and/or need to buy – i.e. power drill, circular saw or sander. After that, find brands that offer that specific type of power tool. Compare and contrast product features and prices from different brands. Choose two or three among them, write them down, and use that as your guide when you start your search. Seek out your most preferred one first and just skip to the next one if the second-hand power tools you find aren’t to your liking – based either on price or quality.


Question the Previous Owner

Question the Previous Owner

The first thing you have to do once you find a second-hand power tool that fits your needs and wants and is within your budget is ask the previous owner about it. Ask them their reason for putting it up for sale, how long it’s been in their possession, how often they’ve used it, and how it performs. You should also ask if they’ve had it serviced or repaired at some point.

All that said, however, don’t expect for sellers to be 100% honest with you. They are looking for a sale, after all. You should be able to judge whether or not they’re telling the truth. Try phrasing the same question in different ways and see if they respond similarly. If not, then it’s probably better for you to walk away.


Physically Inspect the Power Tool

Everything’s gone great so far – the power tool is the one you want and the seller seems genuine – what do you do next? Well, the next step is to inspect the power tool yourself. This’ll be a little hard if you’re buying over the internet, but you can ask for high-quality pictures if that’s the case. If the seller doesn’t give them to you, then you just saved yourself from a bogus deal.

If, on the other hand, you can perform a physical inspection on the power tool on your own, then opt to do so because that’s the best way to gauge its quality. The important parts you should look at are cords and plugs, buttons, triggers, screws and bolts, and other attachments.

Finally, before deciding to buy it or not, it’s best to see the power tool in action. Test out and see how it functions. How it performs during this final test should make or break the deal.


Purchase from Reliable Sources

Purchase from Reliable Sources

There are many ways to buy second-hand power tools but people are more likely to look at online shops. While that’s convenient, it isn’t the best option available. Before scouring the net, try looking at local pawn shops, thrift stores, flea markets, and garage sales. You can even test your luck at live auctions where you can guarantee the quality of the product. Having actual and physical contact with the seller and the tool increases your chances of getting a great deal, so don’t put that at the bottom of your priorities.

Then again, looking online isn’t that bad of an option especially if you don’t have the time to travel or go places. You just have to make sure that you’re buying from a reliable source which you can do by performing the second tip in this article.


Key Takeaway

There’s no shame in buying second-hand power tools in the Philippines. It allows you to divulge in your DIY hobbies while saving a significant amount of money. It is, however, a bit trickier than buying brand-new ones at malls and stores since the quality of the product isn’t always guaranteed. That is unless you perform the tips written in this article. If you stick to these things as you’re looking for them, then you’re sure to end up with a great power tool that you can proudly add to your collection!

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