Ideas to Turn Your Garage into Your Headquarters

Whether you are an avid gardener, love to tinker around with a hobby or just need some extra storage space, your garage is your essential headquarters. This space is more than just a place to park your car and keep your garbage bins. It’s a place where you can maximise the room for storage and even transform into a comfortable space for working.

If you’re scratching your head wondering how you can possibly transform your garage into a functional hobby headquarters, we’ve got you covered. The first step in this process is to determine what exactly you want to get out of your garage, and then choose projects and updates that will help you get there.

Rethink the Layout and Rearrange

First, consider the layout of your garage. Of course, you may not be able to do much about how and where you park your car, unless you have a very large garage. But, you can assess the way you use the space surrounding the car and even the ceiling space.

Think about where you store garbage and recycling bins, pet accessories, tools, garden furniture and anything else in your garage, and consider whether or not you are doing it effectively. If you’re like most of us, your garage slowly becomes cluttered and unorganised over time, so even just a quick straightening can make it a more functional space.

Remove Unnecessary Items

First, remove anything that doesn’t need to be in your garage. This means getting rid of things you aren’t using anymore and storing some things in other areas. If something is taking up too much space, is hard to access in your garage or doesn’t fit in with your overall plan for your headquarters, move it. The easiest ways to do this include moving things to indoor storage closets or a shed in your garden.

Rearrange Remaining Items

Now that your garage is clear of clutter, rearrange what’s left according to your goals. Move seasonal items out of the way and change the configuration of the space as needed. Get creative with extra space to maximise it for storage.

This first step is essential, as it will help you lay the foundation for the rest of your plans and your new headquarters.

Build Custom-Designed Storage Solutions

Most garages aren’t ideally equipped for storage. Many times, when you buy a home your garage will just be a large, empty room with bare walls and absolutely no storage options. But, this is very easy to fix and when you take this project on yourself, you can easily create custom-designed solutions that are the perfect fit for your headquarters.

Create a Shelving System

One of the easiest ways to bring organisation and storage space to your garage is to build a shelving system. Take advantage of all that wasted space on your walls by installing as many shelves as you want. You can affix them directly to your garage walls with metal brackets and a cordless screwdriver. Or, you can build a freestanding system that you can move as needed.

(You can find our amazing Hilti cordless drywall screwdrivers here.)

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