Summer Lawn Care Tips – Gardening & Landscaping

Summer Lawn Checklist

Summer is the time when your lawn will be actively growing and it will require weeding, feeding and regular mowing. In comparison to the rest of the year, it is summer when you’re going to be doing the most in terms of maintaining and looking after your lawn, so it is important to know some of these lawn care tips to ensure you’re taking good care of your lawn in summer and maintaining it ready for the following seasons.

It is also important to be aware of how to care for your lawn in the event of a heatwave. Whilst these are often hard to come by in the UK, this is the time of year we are most likely to experience one, so it is best to be prepared.


Applying fertiliser will help reduce the likelihood of weeds, however, it is still common to have some weeds present on any lawn. Make sure to de-weed your lawn regularly. You should remove weeds such as dandelions with a hand fork and dig out any which are resistant to weed killer. You can also apply a specific lawn weedkiller in spring and summer when the grass and weeds are growing the most.


Although sometimes grass can turn brown and dry in the summer, it will usually recover well once the rain returns. Therefore, watering is not usually necessary. However, for those who want to keep their grass green, you should aerate the lawn before watering to ensure penetration. Watering once a week to every 10 days should be enough.


In addition to aerating the lawn when it requires watering, it is advisable to regularly aerate it even if you do not plan on watering. Aeration allows the rain to penetrate the ground as sometimes non-aerated lawns can actually repel water.


Mowing is one of the most important tasks to complete over spring and summer and one which you’ll most likely already be doing. Ensuring you mow your lawn regularly will guarantee that it stays in its best condition. You’ll notice when your lawn is in need of a mow, but generally, it should be twice a week unless there are periods of drought.


Lawn fertiliser is best applied in April to ensure it is ready for summer – this will also reduce the chance of weeds. Fertiliser can be reapplied in summer if the grass looks to be losing its freshness. Fertiliser should be applied in cool, moist conditions and then watered in. Don’t apply summer lawn fertilisers after August.

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