Disruptive Industrial Technologies

There are a few systems on the market that utilize magnetism in the filtration of oil to remove particles generated by the wear and tear of equipment. Most of these systems are however quite costly, and often require cutting into existing lubrication systems making it even more costly or just impractical. However, one company called Filtermag based in the USA has come up with a simple, cost-effective means to remove particles as small as 1 micron. As Filtermag states:

FilterMag extracts normal, wear causing, steel particles from oil with its powerful, focused, magnetic field technology without restricting oil flow.

These particles are permanently trapped inside the wall of the filter and easily disposed of then you change the filter. The Filtermag unit is reusable and just “snapped on to the filter” and when changing filters just remove it and place on the replacement filter. Simple and cost-effective.

Units are available for spin on oil filters, and cartridge filters. While using magnets is not new, the secret is the application technology behind the Filtermag designs and use of quality magnetics that make these products unique.

And the disruptive part? Imagine the dramatically increased reliability, component life and oil life, the savings in downtime and rebuilds that can result. Real life testimonials indicate life extension in the range of 50% or more! Savings yielding tremendous ROI in the tens of thousands of dollars. Not too good for those doing the rebuilds and supplying the parts, but very advantageous to the company using the equipment and certainly friendly to the environment as well as to the bottom line.

  • Definitely check out www.filtermag.com
  • Linkedin contact for USA and Global: David Neshat at Filtermag
  • Linkedin contact for Canada: Scott Borland at Tech Sales Co.
  • Linkedin contact for SE Asia: Nat Pinvises at Nex Flow