Are You Doing Fastener Storage The Right Way?

When you run an industry where you have to assemble items, the issue of fastener storage is one that you are likely to not pay much attention to. However, the truth is that if you are not keen, you may end up having a few problems with the operation, mainly due to the fact that […]

When you run an industry where you have to assemble items, the issue of fastener storage is one that you are likely to not pay much attention to. However, the truth is that if you are not keen, you may end up having a few problems with the operation, mainly due to the fact that the fasteners may not have been stored properly. If you are going to use such fasteners in the long run, it is therefore imperative that you do all you can to store them properly.

What are the problems associated with improper storage?

In order to understand why storage of fasteners is important, it’s important to know the consequences of improper storage. Some of these include:

  • Increased rate of damage: When fasteners are not stored properly, they are likely to become damaged. This is especially so of fasteners made out of metals that can be corroded. These types of fasteners need to be stored in conditions where they are not exposed to too much oxygen or moisture.
  • Increased loss: The other common problem associated with improper storage of fasteners is increased risk of loss. This happens most frequently when you don’t have a system for the storage of the fasteners.
  • Reducing the rate of job progression: Another common issue associated with improper fastener storage is reducing the rate of job progression. Having to find specific fasteners such as an Inconel hex nut or a Nitronic 50 socket set screw in a jumble of other fasteners will take a lot of time, and this in turn means that you will waste a lot of time doing the assembly.

How should the fasteners be stored?

Multiple storage compartments for fastener
One of the important things you should consider doing is storing the fasteners in a systematic manner. For instance, you may need to store specific types and sizes of fasteners in the same manner, so that you can reach them with ease. Depending on the size of your fastener inventory, you might need to invest in a custom made storage unit.

You also need to consider the risk of rusting as well. If you regularly use fasteners that are likely to end up rusting, you will need to store them in conditions that will not expose them to too much moisture or oxygen. A good idea would be to store the fasteners in a storage unit with a dehiscent material. This will get rid of all the moisture within the storage unit.
All in all, storage of fasteners is something you should be keen on if you are to use a large number of fasteners on a regular basis. If you are not sure about how to go about large scale storage of fasteners, you may need to consult a few parties that might be experienced at this. For instance, once you find a high quality vendor to supply the fasteners, you could consult them on how to go about the storage. The fact that they have a lot of experience with fasteners makes them the most ideal sources of information for this.

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