How to Restore and Revitalize Old Power Tools in the Philippines

How to Restore and Revitalize Old Power Tools in the Philippines

How to Restore and Revitalize Old Power Tools in the Philippines

How can you restore and revitalize old power tools in the Philippines?

  1. Find parts
  2. Fix frayed power cords
  3. Check safety guards
  4. Clean bits and blades
  5. Fix broken parts



Identifying old power tools is easy since you only need to take a glimpse at the rusted, deteriorating casing and you have spotted them. This doesn’t mean that you can just throw them away and replace them quickly like you would do to an old piece of clothing. A lot of families value hand-me-downs here in the Philippines; power tools are one of them and you’ll find it surprising that they can still function well after all the usage. Although this may be the case you would still need to revitalize the tools so that they can be restored to their former glory but with a new, modern shine courtesy of your DIY skills.

You may also be interested to know that older power tools were made to be repaired and maintained so you do not have to worry about a limited lifespan. However, you should check out these restoration tips to be sure that the tools are still up to the job—read on below for more!



Find Parts

It would be a thrill to use the same power tools in the Philippines that your grandfather used but it won’t be possible if you do not find the necessary parts for their restoration. Much like restoring vintage cars, you would need to scour for tool parts nearby and find the suitable ones for them. It would be unfortunate if the tools are too old or had a limited production run because you would have a less-to-zero chance of finding replacement parts. However, don’t be discouraged because tool manufacturers can cater to your requirements and they have built their brand with the objective of continued support for their tools. Just get the exact make, model, and the serial number of the tool and head on to a reliable power tools store in the Philippines to find what you are looking for.



Fix Frayed Power Cords

Fix Frayed Power Cords

Sure, it is cool to have something close to a relic when it comes to power tools but do not get too excited that you risk your safety. Safe handling is a primary concern when refurbishing old power tools because there are a lot of factors to think about: electrical components, gears, and parts to name a few. Before testing the tools, you should be aware of the safety precautions you have to make like fixing frayed power cords. With any power tools, power cords are likely to break down long before the steel and plastic of the tools’ bodies. It would be best if you began with this part before you start tinkering with the other areas of the tool. Damaged cords or plugs can be easily replaced with new ones and there are replacements readily available in hardware stores or online shops.



Check Safety Guards

Once you have already fixed the power cords and replaced the necessary parts, you should make sure that you have protective gear and the safety guards are intact and fully operational before firing the tools up. The tool should be handled with care because they can be too dangerous to use. With the proper handling, however, they should work just fine. Check if the safety guards are missing then contact the manufacturer if they can supply you with replacement parts.



Clean Bits and Blades

Clean Bits and Blades

Power tools have sharp bits and blades that are necessary in order to function properly. If the old power tools have dirty and rusty saw blades, they can be hazardous to use. You will need to take these sharp parts off the tool and thoroughly clean them using a rust remover soak, a cleaning agent, and a brush. Using vinegar for your power tools is also a well-known trick to get rid of rust and a cheap alternative to store-bought cleaning supplies.



Fix Broken Parts

You can’t really be surprised if you find broken parts in your old power tools because this was bound to be the case. Even if they were properly handled by your father or grandfather, or whoever used them before you, handles and knobs usually get damaged over time.

To make your refurbishing project a success, you should replace any broken or bent pieces with original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts. If a manufacturer does not have the particular piece that you are looking for, then you should search online for your tool make, model, and product number so you can look for aftermarket parts.



Key Takeaway

Restoring and revitalizing your old power tool is an exciting project that you can do. Besides the nostalgia, this will also prove that power tools are indeed powerful in terms of their operation and durability. If you are still having issues with your tools after their restoration, it would be probably best if you replace them—in which case you’re in luck because there are a lot of high-quality but affordable power tools in the Philippines that you can purchase!

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