8 Gardening Tools You Need | KYK Tools Philippines

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8 Gardening Tools You Need

What are the gardening tools I need to start with?

  1. Hand rake: for collecting leaves, trash and debris.
  2. Shears: for cutting grass away from trunks and shrubs.
  3. Scissors: for cutting stems and other thin plants and items.
  4. Pruner: for cutting thicker stems and thin branches.
  5. Round point shovel: for digging holes.
  6. Gloves: to protect hands.
  7. Grass trimmer/lawn mower: to trim large areas of grass.
  8. Garden hose: to water the plants.


Any beautiful home wouldn’t be complete without a well maintained garden. Without one, your abode would feel too urban, but adding a touch of nature to it will make it absolutely perfect.


However, hiring a gardener frequently could hurt your budget. Instead, why not invest in a few good quality gardening tools? With just a full set of equipment, you’ll definitely be motivated to master the intricacies of gardening as soon as you’re able to!


That said, here are the tools you’re going to need the most:

hand rake gardening tool

Hand Rake

This gardening tool is useful for easily and quickly picking up piles of leaves, trash, and debris from under and around your desired plants. You can use it freely without damaging any root or crown. Pick one in a different color than green – such as black – to make that you can always see it easily as you work.

shears gardening tool


If you need something for trimming, then this is the gardening tool for you. You can use this for a variety of tasks in the garden such as:

  • Keeping grass away from shrubs and trunks.
  • Edging beds and paths.
  • Trimming ornamental grass and perennials.

scissors garden tools


This is also used for trimming, but at the smaller scale. You need this for your garden for the following tasks:

  • Removing dead flowers (aka deadheading)
  • Cutting up plants with soft stems.
  • Pruning delicate plants.
  • Cutting twine.
  • Thinning out perennials.


Imagining doing these with shears. What a hassle that would be! You just need your sturdy everyday scissors, such as the one used in the kitchen. Such a pair would be strong enough to do the tasks above. But there will be times that you need something more powerful. That’s exactly what the next item on this is.

pruner gardening tools


This gardening tool is like a powerful scissor, which makes it better for cutting up thicker items. That’s what makes this tool the best one to use for the following:

  • Cutting up a branch that is ¾ of an inch thick or less.
  • Cutting large flowers.
  • Cutting large clumps of perennials.
  • Slicing root balls before planting.


There are even versions of the pruner that have long handles. These are good for cutting branches that are more than ¾ inches.

round point shovel gardening tools

Round Point Shovel

Of course, to be able to garden, you need to be able to place your plants in the soil. Thus, you need a round point shovel. This gardening tool should be your go-to whenever you need to dig holes. Whether you want to plant a new tree or shrub or buy grown ones to integrate to your garden, digging holes is necessary to do so. Thus, a round point shovel is necessary as well.


But this is not its only use. This tool is also efficient for moving loose soil, gravel, sand, compost, etc.

gloves gardening tools


Gardening is still a pretty hazardous job, especially since you’ll be handling a lot of sharp tools and plants as well as moving around heavy objects. Thus, you must keep yourself safe; especially your hands since you’ll do most of your garden work with those! Investing in a set of gloves will do wonders for your gardening productivity and overall well-being. You’ll even save yourself a trip to a skin care clinic because there are fewer chances for you to hurt yourself!


  • Cotton Gloves
  • Use these when the job gets wet and dirty. This usually happens when you pick up leaves or plant shrubs. It’s also great for handling thorny plants because these types of gloves are usually puncture-proof.


  • Leather Gloves
  • Gloves with leather material are great for tough jobs that need more grip. These are tasks such as digging holes, clearing brushes, and carrying wood.

lawn mower gardening tools

Grass Trimmer/Lawn Mower

Especially if you have a large backyard full of grass, then grass trimmer is a must have to keep it looking good! Imagine cutting a whole yard with just a pair of shears. That would be tiring and super inefficient! That’s why grass trimmers were made; to do the job in no time. Invest in one and you won’t regret it. Just be sure you have one in a size that can fit your shed.

garden hose gardening tools

Garden Hose

Obviously plants need water. However, you don’t want to be refilling a bucket with water every now and again and pouring it on your plants. That’s inefficient, tiring, and actually bad for the plants because of over-watering. Instead, invest in a good garden hose. This should be long enough for you to connect to a faucet and go around the garden with. When you buy one, choose one that is high quality but light. This way, it won’t be too strenuous to bring around.


Key Takeaway

While this isn’t a complete list of gardening tools that you need, it’s certainly a good set to get you started with. Of course, investing in too much at once can also hurt the budget. Start out with these and add more tools as your love for gardening grow. Eventually, you’ll be equipped well enough to handle any hurdle in your garden.


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